Third Monday of February is Family Day in Ontario. It's been around since 2008. It's a great day to beat the winter blues but not so great if members of your family work for the Federal government. They don't get the day off. They get Remembrance Day off instead. When I lived in Ottawa, the majority of the city had the day off and it was the unofficial first day of Christmas shopping. Kids are at school and half a day was yours to do get all those errands done.
Family Day is a great day to enjoy winter. Get rid of the February blues. Go for a hike, ski or snowshoeing somewhere. Seize the day.

Family day can also be the start of a new tradition. Have your kids celebrate your family by creating pictures of your family. If done every year, you'll have a collection. It'll be fun to look back at your collection an see how your child's view of your family has changed over the years. Here are a few from my daughter's collection.
Have a wonderful day! From my family to yours.