Kirigami is the art of paper cutting. I was inspired by Omiyage's blog post and decided to make some coloured "snowflakes". Yes, I know Spring is here but these don't look like that dreaded white stuff. My daughterand I worked together to create our own kirigami. You will need square paper or origami paper, a sharp pair of scissors, cardstock and spray glue. You may want to iron your "snowflake" to flatten it.

The trick is in the paper folding. It doesn't take long to master but be patient. Here are the instructions. They were written by Jessica from How about Orange. I had to do the folding for my daughter and she made the cuttings. Here are some of our creations. I, then spray glued it and pasted it on card stock. I used cheap "origami" paper from the dollar store. Next time, I am going to use origami paper. You can purchase some really beautiful ones from Omiyage. Try it and have fun